
The partner you can rely on in matters of waste-paper management.

You can trust in our decades of experience in the field of commercial operations and direct marketing to industrial customers and factories. With us, you can directly cover the needs of suppliers and customers. We believe in maximum consignment tracking (track & trace) and only a minimum of outsourcing.

Take advantage of our extensive expertise. All rm•trade GmbH staff are very dedicated and always up to date, meaning that they are able to provide qualified advice and make decisions very quickly.

We supply raw materials from central Europe right to your factory door. Regional or multi-modal. Wiesbaden is the key focal point of our commercial operations.

A clever management team makes the distance between you and us shorter.

Should, contrary to what we aspire to, we for once be unable to “deliver” an ad hoc answer to your inquiry or not be able to get the “shipment you require” immediately on the road, then we can simply handle the rest of your requirements! You will still have a competent and friendly business contact – rm•trade GmbH. As well as clear business structures.

Challenge us. We look forward to it.

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